1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
January 15, 2014
Honorable President Obama,
On behalf of the Afghan people, especially the youth of our country who make up the majority of our population, we are writing to reinforce our firm wish to see the partnership between the United States and Afghanistan continue beyond the year 2014.
Over the last 12 years, the people of Afghanistan have made significant gains and achievements in rebuilding our civic and government institutions, including our security forces to safeguard our rights and ensure our safety. On every possible indicator of development in a society, Afghanistan has been progress that is of truly historic proportions. This would not have been possible without the generous support and the immense sacrifices of the American people and other members of the international community.
Undoubtedly, this partnership and our shared gains have also come at a significant cost for the Afghan people, none greater than the innocent lives that were lost over the years. However, as we Afghan take full charge of our affairs in all walks of life in the year 2014, we wish to see the United States remain closely engaged with Afghanistan in the years to come. We believe the continuation of our friendship is of immense importance to the Afghan people and will also contribute to the strengthening of regional and international peace and security and prosperity of the Afghan nation. This is particularly crucial because our shared achievements remain fragile and face the risk of reversal in the absence of a sustained engagement of the international community, especially the United States.
In this regard, we strongly echo the endorsement of the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) last month at the Loya Jirga and reiterate that the agreement should be signed without delay. Our voice reflects a growing chorus from all segments of the Afghan society, including our religious and business community leaders, who remain concerned about the future of our country and wish to see the expeditious finalization of the BSA.
While we the Afghan people will continue to hold our government accountable, we call on you, Mr. President, to ensure that the United States will stand behind the true aspirations of the Afghan people for free, prosperous and democratic future. Over the coming years, Afghanistan will be completing its political and security transitions as the foundation for the future that we seek. It is our sincere hope that the people of the United States, who were with us during difficult years, will remain with us as we complete the challenging transition period and become more self-reliant.
Sincerely Yours,
The Preceding letter was signed by the following Leaders form Afghan Civil Society, all of whom are signatories to the Alliance in Support of the Afghan People.