Several MPs criticised the approval of some articles in the Electoral Law and said that it will diminish women's role in the Provincial and District Councils.
These MPs warned that if some articles of this Law are not changed then women will be marginalized in the political arena.
Previously, the Electoral Law was approved with majority votes in the Lower House of the Afghan Parliament. But, the approval of some articles in this Law has provoked serious reaction from a number of MPs as they feel that those articles have ignored women's role in the political sphere.
These MPs warned that if this law is not reconsidered by the Upper House, women's presence in the political sphere will be reduced.
"If such behaviour towards women continues, we will be isolated and the country will run on a replica of the Taliban regime," MP Fawzia Koofi told TOLOnews.
On the other hand, the Head of Legislative Commission of Parliament Qazi Nazeer Ahmad Hanafi said that the newly approved Law is fair because only those men and women will be elected into the Provincial and District Councils who get the maximum votes.
"Our female MPs should have read the law before it was put to vote. Now, when three weeks have passed since its approval, they are raising their voices against certain articles of the Law. In reality, the articles in the previous Law were against men and not women," Qazi Nazeer Ahmad Hanafi Head of Legislative Commission of Parliament told TOLOnews.
The Electoral Law was approved three weeks ago in the Lower House of the Afghan Parliament with majority votes. With the approval of new Electoral Law, the reservations for Kochis (nomads), Hindos and 25 percent women's contribution as mentioned in the older Law will cease to exist.