The Commander of ISAF, General Joseph F. Dunford said that Afghan forces have the capability to take charge of security from the foreign forces and make arrangements for the upcoming Presidential elections.
All the Police Chiefs of Afghanistan got together at a conference in Kabul with the ISAF Commander.
General Joseph Dunford is confident that Afghan security forces can take charge of all military operations from June, 2013 onward.
Afghan Interior Minister, Ghulam Mojtaba Patang said that Afghan police should be equipped with all necessary weapons to keep all the achievements made intact.
The issue of lack of police equipments, evaluating the challenges faced by the police and providing security for the upcoming Presidential elections in 2014 were discussed at the conference.
Patang pointed out all of the achievements that Afghanistan had made in the last decade at the conference.
"Democracy, an elected government, a Parliament, human rights, progress within the army and security intelligence are the segments where success has been achieved and all this should be used to bring peace in the country," Ghulam Mojtaba Patang said.
Meanwhile, General Joseph Dunford believing on the ability of Afghan security forces said, "You have given your lives for the people of Afghanistan, your commitment for a better future in Afghanistan gives me hope. When people ask me where we are in a campaign? I respond by answering three fundamental questions: Can Afghan forces soon assume a lead for responsibility for security this June? The answer is yes. Can Afghan forces provide a secure environment within which to conduct elections in 2014? The answer is yes. And will we be able to effect full security transition in December 2014? The answer is yes."
The comment from the General clearly showed the level of confidence he has on the Afghan security forces.
"The Army and police have some defects. We should tactfully rectify them," Afghanistan Chief of Staff Sher Mohammad Karimi said.
Afghan security forces are passing through a sensitive phase, security transition and upcoming Presidential elections are some of the major challenges.