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Security Agreement Crucial for Long-term Security: Rassoul



The Afghan Foreign Minister on Saturday said that finalising Afghanistan-United States security agreement is crucial for long-term security in both Afghanistan and the region.

The foreign minister as well said that continuation of cooperation with International Community should take Afghanistan to constant peace.

The conditions of both countries in signing security agreement are under investigation but the date of signing is still unclear.

“Finalising the bilateral security and defence cooperation agreement between the two countries is crucial for long-term security and stability of Afghanistan and to broader region.” Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul said at the Conference.

Meanwhile, the United States Deputy Secretary of State William Joseph Burns said that Security Agreement will be signed between the US and Afghanistan as two independent countries.

“I emphasised here one year ago, As the Afghan People stand up, you will not stand alone. America and many others will stand with you, we have come too far, sacrificed too much and worked too hard to train back now,” the United States Deputy Secretary of State William Joseph Burns said.

Beside security transition, Afghanistan in 2014 will witness political transition process which links to the future security of Afghanistan.

“A successful political transition is a central prerequisite for sustainable security. It is widely important that the election next date be transparent, credible and inclusive this is why we continue to provide electoral assistance, supporting the process,” William Joseph Burns said.

International forces mission against insurgency is since 12 years in Afghanistan is close at the end and expects that their mission will be completed till little months but whatever assures security post 2014 in Afghanistan is security agreement with the US.

Previously, Afghan President Hamed Karzai has said that the United Sates asked to have nine bases after 2014 in Afghanistan but giving immunity is another controversial issue between Afghanistan and the United Sates over signing security agreement.

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