Releasing a statement Saturday, Isaf said that threats from government's armed oppositions in ten districts of Afghanistan – in southern provinces of Kandahar and Helmand – are seen serious, pointing out that these districts are still insecure.
"The security situation in Afghanistan is significantly improving, and the numbers we were using, that 40 percent of the violence is only taking place in 10 districts, shows that...we were able to push the insurgency out of the urban areas," Isaf spokesman Günter Katz told TOLOnews.
Afghan defence ministry, however, said that the number is mentioned higher, adding that there is no insurgency in those areas.
"The Taliban are not capable of fighting with us face-to-face. Security forces are present in the provinces," said Dawlat Waziri, deputy spokesman of the Afghan defence ministry.
Analysts believe that the Taliban are endeavouring to make parts of Afghanistan insecure and that both the Afghan government and the international community need to address the issue.
"Afghanistan is insecure at any situation. Even the capital is insecure and it witnesses attacks," said Atiqullah Amerkhel, political expert.
As seen by the defence ministry, it is yet essential to execute operations for obliterating insurgents in insecure areas.
Ghazni, Badakhshan, Kuanr, and Paktia bear the highest extent of threat from the armed opposition, it said.
40 Percent of Insurgency In 10 Afghan Districts: Isaf