Residents of Kabul have criticised the city mayor for failing to construct proper drainage in the streets after heavy rains brought flooding to the capital again.
"Kabul municipality hasn't paid any attention to solve this problem," one of the residents told TOLOnews from his car.
Another resident said the streets had sufficient water to be a river with 500 fish living in it.
However, Kabul mayor Muhammad Yunus Nawandish rejected the claim saying that the municipality has been working on the problem and it has been resolved in some parts of the city, but admitted there was more work to be done.
"We will conclude the development work of these canals by the end of this year otherwise we don't have any remedy to solve this problem," he said.
Many roads in Kabul including busy public areas turn into muddy rivers when there are heavy rains. The effect causes havoc for pedestrians and businesses alike – a point acknowledged by the mayor.
"The flooded streets in Kabul city not only create challenges for the drivers but also has a bad impact on the business dealings of shopkeepers," Nawandish said.
One of the angry residents said that if the mayor does not have the money then the local residents will make a fund for him.
"If the municipality doesn't pay urgent attention or doesn't have money for the reconstruction of these canals, we will each collect 20 Afs for its reconstruction," the resident told TOLOnews.
Staff from one of the municipality departments were seen on Tuesday hitching rides from a nearby tractor in order to cross the flooded road from their office.