Helmand province had the highest number of drug smuggling cases last year out of Afghanistan's 34 provinces with 17.9 percent of all cases coming from the southern province, according to the annual report of Counter Narcotics Justice Centre.
From March 2011 to March 2012 (Persian year 1391), the total number of drug trafficking cases in Afghanistan dropped to 590, compared to the previous corresponding period of 635 cases.
Southern Kandahar province and central Kabul province followed Helmand for the highest rates of drug smuggling cases, while Paktika, Bamiyan, and Badghis had the lowest number of cases, the report said.
According to the US-funded centre, in 1391 security forces netted a total of 4101 kilograms of heroin, 36,429kg of morphine, 71,621kg of opium, 120,515kg of hashish, 46,327kg of solid chemical materials, 29,322 litres of liquid materials, and 42,771 litres of alcoholic drinks.
Around 647 persons were arrested for smuggling drugs, weapons, money, or vehicles, it added.
"The Counter-Narcotics Justice Centre alone cannot fight the phenomena, therefore every organisation needs to understand its responsibility and endeavor to obliterate drugs," said Yar Mohammad Hussainkhel, general director of special attorney for Counter Narcotics.
According to the officials, those captured smuggling drugs were not only Afghans citizens – at least nine were citizens of Iran and three were from Pakistan.
"These foreigners disturb Afghanistan's social system, therefore they should be punished according to our laws, and not returned to their countries," said Ahmad Khalid Mowahed, the centre's spokesman told TOLOnews.
Afghanistan is said to be the largest producer of drugs across the globe, responsible for around 90 percent of the world's opiates.